Making the garage doors
The delivery of sawn cedar has arrived.
I had to choose all the pieces that had the most prominent grain for use as the face boards.
Six lengths make up the face of the door.
This is the completed door with the supports screwed to the back. The handed doors need to mounted the right way round on the frame for the diagonal piece to prevent it sagging.
One pair of doors temporarilly mounted in the door frame.
I cut and planed multiple lengths of 2" by 1" cedar. These screwed to the front of the door to cover the gaps between the planks.
I routered the edge of the strips and screwed them to the door.
Both pairs of doors have now been fitted.
I used black studs to cover the screw heads.
I also used adjustable farm gate hinges as I've had umpteen problems with the old doors not fitting properly as they sagged over the years.