Getting ready to lay bricks

I don't know whether you can buy these bricklaying guides these days, but I used these when I worked on a building site as a teenager.
This is one end...

This is the other...
They hold the line tight and enable you lay a brick that is level and prevents bulges.

It is really easy to make so it is worthwhile as it saves so much time and pretty much guarantees straight walls!
Don't forget to use stretchy builder's twine as it is this that holds the guide onto the wall.
After laying each row just move it up a row!
It turns out these are called line blocks and they can be bought!

Again, I don't know whether gauge rods are available these days, but this helps get the mortar thickness of 10mm right each and every time.
Perfetc for amateurs like me!
The bricks are 65mm thick.

Another tool I just invented will help get the cavity spacing of 90mm correct.

Cavity wall insulation: This is the cavity wall insulation that I will use: Crown DriTherm Cavity Slab 85mm x 1200mm x 455mm.
I need to calculate exactly how much I will need as it's expensive stuff!