Making the window frame - My House Extension

A one storey extension
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Making the window frame
Wednesday 7th March: Six lengths of wood are required - four uprights and a top and bottom. So the first task was to cut them roughly to length using a cross cut saw leaving sufficient to correct any error.
Here are the six pieces laid out in the respective positions on top of the three casement windows.
I then needed to route out the rebates when the casement windows fit into the frame - these are roughly 16mm by 69 mm. The end uprights only need one rebates while the two inner uprights need two.
When I've done this in the past I used a bench circular saw but they always seems to go a bit wonky so I decided to use a router this time. I'm not sure the result is any better though!
This picture shows one of the centre uprights in place between two of the casement windows and show the two rebates.
This picture shows one of the centre uprights in place between two of the casement windows and show the two rebates.
This shows the inside upright in place butting up to the bottom of the frame showing what the completed window will roughly look like.

Next comes the joints!
Sawing the eight mortise and tenon joints. This is the time to be very careful as it's easy to make a mistake. I did four joint first and then fitted the casement windows to ensure I got the height correct.
After marking up the position of the tenons on the bottom cross piece, I use a flat bit to remove the majority of the wood in the four holes.
This is the joint on one of the outside uprights.
I then used a chisel to clean the holes ready for assembly.
This is the casement frame roughly assembled to check that it all fits together correctly - it does!
This is the frame with the three casements inserted. After cleaning the joints, the next task will be to glue the frame making sure that everything is square.
Saturday, 10th March: Four sash clamps were used to clamp the frame together after gluing - I used liberal amounts of glue!

It's important to make sure that everything is square as it will be too late when it dries.

This activity, amazingly, took a couple of hours!
Saturday, 10th March: This is the frame just after removing the sash cramps. Every thing seem to be square and the casement windows fit well.

The next task is to clean, sand and router the chamfers on the inside frame. A task for another day!
The frame is now sanded.
Sunday, 11th March: After sanding a few holes and knots are filled. The last task is to chamfer the inside edges to match the three casement windows.
I've marked the points where the chamfers are supposed to end.
A Router is used to create the chamfer. There is no chamfer on the bottom of the widow as i will be adding a small sill later.
The chamfer on the frame matches those on the casement window.
The frame pretty much completed except for the inside sill.
The frame has now been painted with aluminium primer and is now pretty much finished except for adding the sill.
Copyright: Chris Gare 2007 - 2018
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